Searching for your dream van?

  1. Reach out!

If Luna piques your interest, reach out via contact page or direct line (619)483-1325 to book a Zoom meeting. You will meet with Abbe and Santiago to discuss whether a Luna is right for you.

2. Make your decision.

Does a Luna suite your needs? What upgrades or alterations do you want? Will you be financing or paying outright?

During this phase, feel free to reach out to Abbe and/or Santiago as frequently as needed.

3. Sort out financing. 

We have multiple financing/payment options available for you. Decide what works best for your situation, consulting with necessary contacts. 

4. Reserve your build slot.

To reserve a build slot, you will pay 50% of your total purchase price to Rogue up front. If you are financing, this amount will vary. At time of payment, you will sign your contract with spec sheet and we will begin the process of sourcing your van!

We will order you a new AWD Sprinter van from our supplier in San Diego. Color and trim level will vary based on your preferences.

During this period, you will also collaborate directly with Abbe to work in any interior design customizations you wish to have in your Luna. 

5. We build your van.

Lead times vary, but you can expect anywhere from 8-12 weeks from the start of your build. We update you periodically and continue to value your input. At 50% completion, you pay another 25% of the total purchase price.

6. Come pick up your new Luna!

After the final 25% is paid upon completion, you take possession of your new van and hit the open road! 😎

Start the process with us.


Designer, idea generator, vanlife consultant, and advocate of style!

Your go-to for design related questions


CEO of Rogue Vans, logistics guy, all things financing and business

AKA: the boss


The builders, the place where the action happens

5066 Santa Fe St. St D
San Diego, CA 92109

(By appointment only).